
职业规划 Steps Increase Self Awareness

  • Meet with a member of career services to identify 利益, 值, 个性, 能力 and to clarify career goals
  • Reflect on past 经历 in high school and college to help determine what you liked (利益), 你擅长什么(技能), and what you felt was important (值)
  • Explore 利益 through courses, volunteer work, student activities, and 工作见习
  • Understand that the first step in career decision-making is developing self-awareness.


Your career decision is rooted in your own identity consisting of your 利益, 值, 技能, 经历, 和目标. You may be certain about all or only a few of these aspects. Students come to 职业服务 with varying levels of self-awareness. 提高你的自我意识, career counseling offers an opportunity to discuss your life and career goals. 咨询可能包括评估, which is available to help you identify and organize your 利益, 能力, 和价值观 as they relate to career fields. Career counseling will increase your awareness of career options, reinforcing those options you have already considered and exposing you to ones you have not yet considered. Discussing connections between your self-knowledge, 经历, and your vision for your future can lead to identifying career areas to explore. 



  • Research career options of interest using the Career 图书馆 and career-exploration sites on-line
  • Investigate career alternatives related to various fields of study
  • Learn about various careers from friends, 家庭, 校友, 教授, and other people in the community
  • Explore the variety of opportunities available at 佩因大学 in and out of the classroom
  • Begin to develop plans to obtain your goals
  • Prepare to pursue summer jobs and internships related to your 利益




探索可以有多种形式, all of which require you to be active in gathering information and applying this information to your self-awareness. Reading about careers through printed resources and through career information websites helps you to expand your knowledge base. While reading provides general information about career fields, talking with a professional who works in a field of interest to you (occupational information interviewing) can provide more details about the work and the setting, offer additional insight into careers, and answer your specific questions. 职业服务 can help you identify professionals in fields of interest who may offer information about their work and career. Your classes will also offer a forum for learning about careers through discussions with faculty, 客座讲师, 和校友. 除了收集信息, begin to consider ways to gain exposure and involvement within your identified career options. 职业服务 can help you learn more about student activities, 志愿服务机会, 工作见习, 兼职工作, 研究的机会, and internships related to your interest areas.


Acquire Knowledge, Skills, and Experience

  • Become active in extracurricular activities and volunteer work to develop teamwork, 人际关系, 以及领导能力
  • Obtain relevant 工作经验 by pursuing 兼职工作, summer jobs, and internships
  • Develop a broader appreciation of diversity through study abroad, 外语, 社区服务, 多元文化课程, and cultural activities on campus
  • Record your activities, accomplishments, and achievements


As you move closer to selecting your career field of interest, you will learn about the knowledge base, personal qualities and 经历 which are valued by employers. These frequently include: communication 技能, 诚实/完整性, 团队工作, 人际关系技巧, 动机, 领导能力, the ability to work with diverse people, 工作经验, 以及强烈的职业道德.

职业服务 can help you plan to acquire these qualities and 经历. Active involvement in these areas will make you a more appealing candidate for available opportunities. Remember to record your accomplishments and achievements for inclusion in your resume and electronic portfolio.



When students hear the title of 职业服务, they often think of activities related only to the job search process. Before conducting your search, there are many things you can do to explore and plan for your future. Whether you are a first semester student or completing your last semester at 佩因大学, whether your career goals are clear or unclear, coming to 职业服务 can help you.

The process of career decision-making is one you will continue during your time at 佩因大学 and throughout your life. Career decision-making involves increasing yourself awareness, 探索职业选择, 获取知识, 技能, and 经历 that will help you implement your career choices. This process is unique to each individual student based on 经历, 技能, 利益, 和价值观.

The 职业服务 staff is here to assist you in the process of developing your career goals and planning steps to reach those goals.

